Message from CEO
HC wants to convey the social function of investment and the underlying investment philosophy. The social role of investment is to respond to capital requirements for social growth. So, what is social growth? If we take growth to be the cultural improvement in people’s lives and link this to the realization of some sort of value, not all capital requirements can be considered suitable for investment. So, selection criteria for investments are required. This is the investment philosophy.
H refers to “Humans”, which can be taken to mean the humanities and humanity, while C refers to “Capital”, which is derived from the basic concept of investment known as capitalism. However, if we think about investment philosophies based on new capitalism principles, this could alternatively incorporate “Culture” and “value Communities”.
This is the origin of the tradename HC. With the harmonious combination of H and C, we are always looking for new meanings of HC, creating and delivering new value.

HC Asset Management Co., LTD.
Noriyuki Morimoto, Chief Executive Officer
Founded HC Asset Management in November 2002. As a pioneer investment consultant in Japan, he established the investment consulting business of Watson Wyatt K.K. (now Willis Towers Watson) in 1990, where he was Director & Consultant for 13 years. His responsibilities also included benefit consulting and financial services consulting. Prior to joining Watson Wyatt, he was responsible for foreign fixed income investment, asset allocation and investment strategy at Mitsui Life Insurance Co.(now Taiju Life Insurance Company Limited), where he managed assets for the company's variable life products and group annuities as a fund manager. He spent two and half years in London managing fixed income assets. He started his investment career as Japanese equity analyst at Mitsui Life. Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), The University of Tokyo.